13 Health Benefits of hot water — Benefits of drinking hot water — Side effect

5 min readJan 20, 2021
13 Health Benefits of hot water — Benefits of drinking hot water — Side effect
13 Health Benefits of hot water — Benefits of drinking hot water — Side effect

13 Health Benefits of hot water — To keep the body running smoothly, the circulation of blood throughout the body is necessary, and drinking hot water is very beneficial in this process. Water is also a medicine. It works to remove many diseases. Proper intake of hot water gives many benefits to our body and also prevents diseases.

To protect against many diseases and to keep the body fit, grandmother and grandmother recommend drinking hot water on an empty stomach every morning. Researchers around the world have also accepted this fact.

If you drink only hot water instead of putting lemon in summer water, you will see its miraculous benefits. Hot water will not only help in losing weight, but it will also help keep you away from many diseases.

Make sure that the water is not too hot. Keep the water at a temperature drinkable. Drinking too much hot water can damage the delicate skin inside the mouth.

13 Health Benefits of hot water

Drinking boiled cold water cures many diseases like Gas problems, piles, tuberculosis, stomach diseases, loss of appetite, colds, etc.

It destroys many diseases related to Kapha. Indigestion, tingling, headache, etc. are relieved. Cough, asthma, and other problems are also removed.

1. Drinking warm water increases hunger.

13 Health Benefits of hot water — Drinking warm water after eating prevents the accumulation of fat on the body.

Even if you don’t like drinking hot water, its health benefits will definitely make you drink it. If the habit of drinking hot water is taken thrice a day, the body can be easily protected from many diseases. Let’s know what are the benefits of drinking hot water throughout the day

2. Loses weight –

If your weight is increasing continuously and despite your millions of efforts, you do not see much difference, then drink honey and lemon mixed with warm water. Will definitely make a difference. Another remedy is to start drinking a cup of hot water after eating food. It does not allow excess fat to accumulate in the body. Which does not increase weight.

3. Make periods easier –

If you are also among those who have pain during periods, then drinking warm water and drinking it is beneficial for you.

4. Relief from the cold –

If you have chest tightness and cold, then drinking hot water is a panacea for you. Because hot water prevents the phlegm from collecting in the chest. The throat is also cured by its use.

5. Body detox –

Hot water detoxes the body. It cleanses all impurities from the body easily. Drinking warm water increases body temperature, which causes sweating and cleanses the body.

6. Beneficial for skin –

If the wrinkles on your face are bothering you, then there is nothing to worry about, start drinking hot water from today and see its effect in a few weeks. Say if the skin is shiny and not tight!

7. Beneficial for hair –

13 Health Benefits of hot water — Regularly drinking hot water brightens hair and increases its growth.

8. Keep the stomach fit –

Drinking warm water keeps the stomach clean as well as keeps the digestive system healthy. Drinking a cup of warm water after eating food makes the stomach light. Similarly, if you do not feel hungry, then drinking black water mixed with black pepper, salt, and lemon juice increases your appetite.

9. Keep the blood circulation right –

To keep the body running smoothly, the circulation of blood throughout the body is necessary, and drinking hot water in it is very beneficial.

10. Increase energy –

Drinking lukewarm water or lemonade instead of soft drinks increases your energy level. Keeps the digestive system correct too.

Read also — How to be energetic

11. Relieve joint pain –

Warm water makes joints smooth and also reduces joint pain. Our muscles are made up of 80 percent water, so drinking water relieves muscle spasms.

12. Benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach

  • Drinking warm water on an empty stomach as soon as waking up in the morning clears the stomach, as well as energy in you for the whole day or, say, energy. Not listening will make sense. Actually, one week when you do this, you will feel another level of energy in your body.
  • For asthmatic patients, drinking hot water after eating fried roast is good. This removes toxic substances from the body and the immune system is also right.
  • Most stomach diseases are caused by contaminated water. If the water is heated and then cooled and drank, most diseases will disappear.
  • If there are wrinkles, wrinkles, or pimples on the skin, regular intake of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning provides great benefit. This will also brighten your skin.

13. Benefits of drinking warm water with honey

  • Drinking honey mixed with lukewarm water reduces obesity.
  • It gives energy throughout the day.
  • Immunity develops.
  • The face becomes radiant.
  • Drinking honey water makes the heart fit.
  • BP is not complaining.
  • Daily watering of honey is beneficial for not increasing abdominal fat.

Disadvantages of drinking hot water

We have learned the benefits of drinking hot water but it can also have its disadvantages. Is it known Let us tell you?

  1. Lips are burnt by drinking strong hot water. So whenever you drink hot water, drink it comfortably in small sips.
  2. A person is advised to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water in a day. But when we drink more water than this, the internal organs of the body get damaged.
  3. Drinking too much hot water can burn the internal organs of the body because the temperature of hot water is completely different from your body part. So check the water temperature.
  4. The kidney works by flushing out toxins from the body. But drinking too much water causes kidney damage because the kidney is under extreme pressure.
  5. Drinking warm water without thirst can cause inflammation in the veins of the brain. Therefore, drink hot water only when you are thirsty.
  6. Like tea, it is advised not to drink warm water at bedtime. Yes, you should not drink warm water at night, otherwise, it can spoil your night sleep.

Drinking hot water is not very good if seen as a taste, but drinking hot water is beneficial in hot weather.




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